Those who have played through both Alan Wake and Control likely noticed several points of similarity and connection throughout both games. It is now a confirmed matter that Remedy Entertainment deliberately engineered these stories to converge, but the precise question is how?

Do You Need To Play Alan Wake Before Alan Wake 2?
As another writer might put it – to play, or not to play Alan Wake, that is the question.
How exactly does the tale of a frustrated writer’s battle against a malevolent force of darkness coincide with that of a paranormally gifted woman’s introduction to the government agency that protects the world? Based on both major events in Control’s story and supplemental bits of lore, they coincide rather perfectly, as it turns out. Perhaps almost too perfectly.
Updated on October 30, 2024, by Dennis Moiseyev: With the arrival of Alan Wake 2’s Night Springs DLC as well as the final Lake House expansion, there are plenty more connections to Control. The Lake House (in all its spooky glory) was really more like a lore factory that better bridges the ideas across both games. There are still plenty of questions to be answered after The Lake House DLC that will inevitably carry over into Control 2, but you do receive certain clues in the documents you discover that are quite revealing. Here’s the story so far of how the two games cross over.
The Federal Bureau Of Control And Bright Falls
According to supplemental information revealed in the AWE expansion of Control, the titular Federal Bureau of Control dispatched agents to the city of Bright Falls not long after the events of the original Alan Wake game.
It makes sense; when shadows are coming alive, and people are being torn from their homes by tendrils of darkness, sooner or later, someone’s going to make a phone call, and these kinds of events are the Bureau’s bread and butter.
As the FBC agents conducted their investigation of the incident, they happened to come across the office of one Dr. Emil Hartman, a psychologist who had attempted to utilize Alan Wake’s writing skills to control the Dark Presence of Cauldron Lake. Hartman documented his research into the Dark Presence and Wake, all of which were confiscated by the FBC.
In an act of desperation, Hartman dove into Cauldron Lake himself, where he became an avatar of the Dark Presence, twisted into a horrifying monster. Thanks to their paranatural training, the FBC agents were able to detain the monstrous Hartman and confine him in a cell in their headquarters, the Oldest House.

However, when Alice Wake, Alan’s wife, was brought in for questioning, Hartman went into a frenzy, escaping confinement and forcing the lockdown of the entire area. And Alice Wake’s visit to the Federal Bureau of Control is further revisited in Alan Wake 2.
It ends with Jesse being informed that the FBC has received a new report of paranatural activity in Bright Falls, similar to the one sent after Alan fought the Dark Presence. However, the report is dated several years in the future…
Agent Kiran Estevez And The Cauldron Lake Monitoring Station
Time moves through a spiral. That much was made clear in Alan Wake 2, and the events that occurred at the end of Control’s AWE DLC are happening right in 2023 in Bright Falls after Saga Anderson pulled Alan from the Dark Place through the Overlap in Return 2.
The FBC is all over Cauldron Lake post-2010 AWE, and you see it clearly in the sequel game. There are ‘Do Not Enter’ signs everywhere and the bureau even has a monitoring station set up on the trail to the lake that alerts AWEs, which is how the Bureau received Saga’s AWE and promptly summoned Kiran Estevez.
Agent Kiran Estevez’s name was teased in Control’s DLC, and she now plays a central role in the story, coming to Saga and Alex Casey’s aid in Bright Falls to take on Scratch and destroy the Dark Presence with the help of FBC resources.
Estevez comes in at the end of Return 4 to help with Alan’s containment and then becomes as much your partner as Casey for the rest of the game, and she brings with her tons of FBC agents that sadly meet gruesome fates. She’s also voiced by Janina Gavankar and will be the new protagonist for The Lake House DLC.
The FBC Lake House Facility
The monitoring station isn’t the only major presence of the FBC in Bright Falls and the surrounding areas of Cauldron Lake and Watery. There’s also a restricted area by the Nightingale crime scene known as the Lake House, which is where you’re headed in the final DLC expansion for Alan Wake 2.
Agent Kiran Estevez heads the investigation of the AWE affecting the Lake House, which happens alongside the events of Alan Wake 2. Stepping inside, it’s like a mini FBC facility with a ground level and five Sublevels you’ll access via a shifting elevator.
The Lake House is the site of evil experimentation for the FBC’s Project Rhamnus and Project Arbutus, where the former is run by Dr. Jules Marmont and the latter by his wife, Dr. Diana Marmont. Both were appointed to project heads by Dr. Casper Darling.
Project Rhamnus is mainly focused on a painter named Rudolf Lane and how his art can be used to manipulate the Threshold, while Project Arbutus is trying to learn from Alan Wake’s manuscripts and replicate them with a new typewriter machine the FBC created called the Automated Typing Device (ATD).
Both projects are highly unethical and grow more dangerous the more obsessed the husband-and-wife duo becomes with prevailing over one another. Dr. Jules Marmont and Dr. Diana Marmont become increasingly unhinged and try to sabotage each other’s work. Their experiments end with them both turning into Taken.
They kidnap artists of all sorts, lock them in cells, administer drugs, and force them to create to fuel their experiments, which leads to devastating consequences. One of the victims was even playwright Ed Booker, who Saga met at the Oh Deer Diner.
Rudolf Lane’s story also ends tragically. He was being manipulated by Dr. Emil Hartman during the 2010 AWE, and was now subjected to even greater misery and duress under the Marmonts that he was driven to suicide. Lane eventually became a living supernatural painting monster manifested by the Dark Presence, a self-portrait after he took his own life.
By the time Estevez arrives, the Lake House is one of the most terrifying locations you can find yourself in. All remaining employees have become Taken; there are monsters called Painted, which manifest from paint-splattered walls and canvases, and Rudolf Lane has become a painting himself.
The Lake House location also has a new weapon the FBC has been developing, the Black Rock Launcher, which is there to aid Estevez against the Painted enemy types.
Project Nursery Rhymes
Aside from the Marmonts, there’s another lead researcher from the FBC running experiments in Bright Falls, and that would be Dr. Eugene Campbell. Campbell reports to Dr. Marmont on a project he refers to as ‘Project Nursery Rhymes.’ Emails in the Lake House show Marmont is satisfied with its progress.

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One of the many side activities in Alan Wake 2 is solving nursery rhymes with certain dolls to earn charm bracelets that can benefit Saga Anderson’s survival. The parafictional properties from Cauldron Lake on those nursery rhymes are Dr. Campbell’s focus.
Similar to how Alan’s manuscripts alter reality and have the ability to come to life, the fictional words written on the nursery rhymes function much the same and activate when solved. Their locations around the map are the test sites.
Jesse Faden And The Future
Once the majority of the Hiss’ invasion of the Oldest House was contained, Jesse Faden made a point of exploring the rest of its sectors in a cleanup effort, at which point she discovered the Bright Falls AWE sector.
Over the course of her pursuit of Hartman, Jesse makes contact with Alan several times via the extradimensional Hotline phone and within the reality-bending Oceanview Motel.
As she explores, Jesse discovers several of Alan’s old scripts for the television show Night Springs, in which the events depicted are alarmingly similar to what she first went through when she entered the Federal Bureau of Control.
Jesse isn’t name-dropped and is not a part of Alan Wake 2’s story, as FBC’s Kiran Estevez is the only main character present from the government organization. However, Jesse Faden does make some significant cameos throughout Alan Wake 2.
In Initiation 5, Jesse Faden’s face appears on the blue static of a television set in Thomas Zane’s room in the Oceanview Hotel (665), and she says ‘Hello?’ as a way of calling out to see if anyone is receiving her.

Alan Wake 2 Vs Control: Which Game Is Better?
Alan Wake 2 and Control are both made by Remedy, but which is the better game?
This also tells you that maybe the Oceanview Motel from Control is linked to the Oceanview Hotel in the Dark Place since there are also similar symbols marked on certain doors.
Jesse also appears to be connected to the Alan Wake 2 character Sheriff Tim Breaker, where, on his whiteboard, he claims to have seen a red-headed woman that he knows and that she’ll possibly come to his rescue.
This became all the more true in the Night Springs DLC, where Jesse Faden traveled to an alternate universe to warn Tim Breaker about Warlin Door, who’s seemingly going around the multiverse and killing every version of Sheriff Tim Breaker.
Night Springs Episode 2: North Star sees Jesse Faden as a playable character in an alternate version of her story from Control taking place inside Coffee World with a more nightmarish design, and she gets help from Sheriff Tim Breaker, who just appears like he would be in any of his Dark Place spots.
These all appear to be teases to her future role still to come in the next installment of the Remedy Connected Universe, Control 2.
What Happens To Characters From Control In Alan Wake 2?
Alan Wake 2 expands on a lot of the characters that were present or mentioned in Control, particularly Ahti, Mr. Door, and Dr. Casper Darling, but also introduces new important FBC personnel.
The ever-enigmatic and riddle-speaking janitor, Ahti, is the biggest character from Control to cross over into Alan Wake 2, and you first meet him as Alan in the Dark Place, where he instructs you to get the Angel Lamp from the basement.
Alan Wake 2 gives more insight into Ahti’s character, such as him being friends with filmmaker Tom Zane the Poet and being in a band that has made music for Zane’s films, particularly Nightless Night. Ahti even calls Alan Tom in their dialogue.
It also explores more of Ahti’s connection to the Old Gods of Asgard brothers Odin and Tor Anderson, as it’s revealed he lives in their nursing home, Valhalla Nursing Home, and keeps after the place with his janitorial duties.
It becomes clear that Ahti’s name lives up to its origins in Finnish mythology as being the Sea God Ahto. A janitor’s bucket is the portal to traveling between the Dark Place and the real world, and Ahti refers to himself as a “Seaman” when speaking to Saga.
Furthermore, even more compelling, is the revelation in New Game Plus where Odin and Tor reveal Ahti was the one who created the Overlap “puddle” to help Saga leave and get to Alan, and a new manuscript in The Final Draft found in Return 7 confirms Ahti as a god.
Titled ‘It’s Not a Lake,’ the manuscript reads “A shadow fell on Cauldron Lake. Something of impossible scale loomed over it. Blocking the sky. Ahti. The janitor leaned close.” And it further notes how he essentially created the portal in the Writer’s Room attic.
This dimension-traveling God-like being also makes his singing debut in Watery’s Suomi Hall, singing the titular song from Zane’s film ‘Yötön Yö.’
Mr. Door
Mr. Door also gets expanded upon and officially introduced in Alan Wake 2. Previously in Control, Door was just a name mentioned by Jesse’s brother Dylan as existing in many worlds and visiting him in his dreams. Now, he’s here in live-action and played by David Harewood.
In Alan Wake 2, you find out Door’s connections to Bright Falls and Alan Wake go much deeper. He was a local named Warlin Door who disappeared in 1988 during a lightning strike, implied to have happened as a result of a fight with Tor and Odin.
There’s also further evidence to suggest he might even be Saga Anderson’s father, though the connections to that still remain more hidden, even if a little obvious already.
He’s mysteriously teleported the sheriff of Bright Falls, Tim Breaker, into the Dark Place, and has a late-night talk show there called In Between with Mr. Door, where he interviews Alan Wake about his meta-fictional works and Sam Lake as the actor playing Alex Casey. He knows a lot about Alan, enough to put into a musical, and the Old Gods of Asgard are his live studio band.
He also seems to be friends with Ahti, as he cleans his studio, and there’s a picture of them together on his wall. Doors also seem to be what they have in common. Ahti was the only one who could open the spiral door to the Writer’s Room attic for Alan in the Valhalla Nursing Home, and you use his bucket to teleport between Bright Falls and the Dark Place.
In an extra lore video that you can find in the Oceanview Hotel during Initiation 5, Warlin Door is revealed as the new host of Night Springs, another connection between Alan Wake and Control, as it’s a show the FBC sought to revive.
Then, the Night Springs DLC officially saw Mr. Door in his full narrator capacity, appearing at the start of each of the three episodes and having an opening and closing monologue. Episode 3 is where things took a turn for his character.
It’s revealed that Mr. Door is indeed targeting Tim Breaker, and it’s no coincidence he pulled him into the Dark Place. Door is trying to eliminate every last Tim Breaker from across the multiverse, sending the version of Tim Breaker played by an actor (Shawn Ashmore as himself) in a slew of dimensions that have drastically different game design.
When you reach the comic book dimension, you get more of the backstory on Warlin Door and how he became such a powerful entity. Panels reveal that he “found an opening to a horrifying parallel reality that consumed him.” After this, he began to see doors to other realities and was part of the Threshold (the FBC term for a tear in reality that connects two realities).
Dr. Casper Darling
Like Jesse Faden, Dr. Casper Darling doesn’t have as vocal of a role in Alan Wake 2. His presentations remain back at the Oldest House HQ in New York, but he’s still very much present in the story, especially in the New Game Plus update.
Dr. Casper Darling makes many cameos in the original story of Alan Wake 2, like his Easter egg book called ‘My Interpretation of Many Worlds’ lying on Mr. Door’s dressing room table, and his face pops up on the TV in Zane’s room right after Jesse’s.

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Enter the horrors of Alan Wake 2 if you dare, but you may want to read these beginner tips first.
Then, in The Final Draft, there are actual videos of Darling talking to you through the screen. They’re very meta and poke fun that Matthew Poretta is the same voice actor behind Alan Wake and Dr. Darling. They also leave you with more questions.
These clips don’t answer what happened to Dr. Darling at the end of Control or where he is, but instead, see him meet Thomas Zane and discuss doing an artist and scientist collaboration with him. Whatever that might entail.
Dr. Casper Darling also came to visit the Lake House facility around Cauldron Lake to monitor the progress of Project Arbutus and Rhamnus, and he even has a new video clip that you can view in the new DLC.
Dylan Faden
Jesse’s brother Dylan plays a role in Alan Wake 2’s The Lake House DLC, where he has a brief exchange with Kiran Estevez inside a containment cell in what is seemingly the Panopticon room of the Oldest House, meaning it’s still standing after the events of Control.
To get to Dylan, Estevez flicks a light switch cord three times and teleports to the Oceanview Motel from Dr. Diana Marmont’s office in the Lake House. You also see a portrait of the former director, Zacarahiah Trench, with a spiral over his face.
Dylan, who’s in a prisoner jumpsuit designated as ‘P6,’ is worried about what’s going on outside the Oldest House in New York and sounds very frightened and clearly off. He then tells Estevez “Tell Jesse I tried… I really did.”
What happens next is a full-blown sequence of scenes teasing what you could expect from Control 2, showing the streets of New York overrun by Hiss and Mold. There are strange cryptic symbols and trippy effects happening. The final shot is of a jacketed figure (either Alan or Jesse) standing in the center of the New York skyline as it shifts upside down.
What Are More FBC Connections In Alan Wake 2?
Sheriff Tim Breaker’s uncle, Frank Breaker, worked for the FBC under William Kirklund, and called in the 2010 Bright Falls AWE. But familiar characters aren’t the only ties to Control, and a lot more elements and established concepts from the FBC’s Oldest House carry over as well.
Alan Wake’s Parautilitarian Status And Other Altered Items
Alan Wake 2 dives a little deeper into the discussion of ‘parautilitarian,’ specifically how Alan is considered one himself. There’s a document you can read in Return 6 that details how the Clicker is being studied by the FBC as a potential Object of Power, as it can turn Alan’s writing into reality.
Furthermore, Alan also now has an Angel Lamp, in addition to the flashlight, which solves area puzzles and alters the environment around you and therefore can be another potential Object of Power.

11 Biggest Differences Between Alan Wake And Alan Wake 2
To say Alan Wake 2 takes things in an original new direction would be an understatement.
The Lake House was researching these aspects of Alan Wake, even making their own typewriter in an attempt to recreate his supernatural writing, and have concluded that he is, in fact, a parautilitarian.
Alan’s plot board and typewriter can shift the layout of an area around, so that’s even more evidence Alan is indeed a parautilitarian, especially with the way the alternate ending from the Final Draft version plays out.
Documents in the Lake House even show that the scientists were trying to figure out the exact model of typewriter Alan uses to produce optimal results.
Alan Wake 2 also doesn’t just allude to Objects of Power but directly includes known Altered Items to the FBC in Saga’s and Alan’s chapters. Yellow rubber ducks are everywhere in the game – the sauna, Kalevela Knights Workshop, and the Cynthia Weaver Overlap area.
The Lighthouse Trailer Park and Coffee World amusement park are scattered with pink flamingoes everywhere, and Mr. Door’s studio basement is filled with waist mannequins.
Throughout the environment in the Dark Place, there appear glowing yellow spirals of words known as Words of Power that are tied to specific word upgrades for Alan, and the naming convention sounds very similar to the FBC’s classification of Objects of Power.
Expansion Of Paracriminal Organizations The Cult Of The Tree And Blessed Organization
The criminal organizations involved in paranatural crimes have expanded in Alan Wake 2 to include not only the Blessed Organization but also the Cult of the Tree run by Ilmo Koskela. The FBC swiftly detains him, along with Alan, at the end of Return 4.
In one of the huge twists in Alan Wake 2, the FBC has The Cult of the Tree on its radar because the group is accused of paranatural crimes for using the Clicker to prevent Taken from invading Bright Falls and neighboring areas.

In a game about writing, it’s only natural that we would find several memorable quotes. These are the words that stayed with us the most.
The FBC doesn’t like when non-parautilitarians use Altered Items or Objects of Power, but in the case of the Cult of the Tree, they use them for the better, as they tried to do with Robert Nightingale before their ritual was interrupted by the Bookers.
You also learn that Alan’s agent Barry Wheeler was interviewed by the FBC (who he’s not too much a fan of), and he happens to have joined a cult of his own – the Blessed Wellness Retreat. In an email to Alice Wake, Barry can’t seem to praise the retreat enough and says that the man who runs it is named Chester.
Chester Bless is a person of interest, who’s undoubtedly responsible for all the other “Blessed” paracriminal establishments the FBC has uncovered, like Blessed Pictures and Blessed Repair and Service.
The Black Inverted Pyramid
The Astral Plane and the Black Inverted Pyramid make eerie appearances in Alan Wake 2. The cigarettes preferred in the Dark Place and in Watery and Bright Falls have the logo of the Black Pyramid, and are called “Black Pyramid Cigarettes.”
Additionally, the lights around the passageways and rooms in the Dark Place will emit the shadow of the upside-down pyramid when you shine your flashlight over them.
Ed And Tammy Booker’s Lake House Connections
Two new characters introduced in Alan Wake 2 are the husband-and-wife writers Edward and Tamitha Booker. Ed is an unsuccessful playwright, and Tammy is working on a true crime novel that covers Alan Wake’s disappearance from Bright Falls.
As documents around the Lake House show, both were sought after by the FBC to be a part of Project Arbutus and help replicate Alan Wake’s writing. Ed Booker can be found still alive in his cell when Estevez investigates the facility.
Ed believes this all to be an “immersive writing workshop” and does not take the threat seriously; instead, he uses it to brainstorm more ideas to meet the task Dr. Marmont is expecting from him. This also explains why Ed appeared in the Dark Place to stage a play in the Oceanview Hotel, which became a grizzly murder site.
Dr. Diana Marmont believed that Tamitha would’ve been much more successful at replicating Alan Wake’s writing because of her better commercial success as an author of true crime. Documents also prove that Ed wasn’t producing satisfying enough results.
Is What’s Happening In Control And The Alan Wake Games Made Up By Alan?
Alan himself had spent an indeterminate period confined in the Dark Place, the extradimensional space where the only thing he could do was attempt to write. In the same way the Presence was originally set free, Alan needed to write a story that could conceivably end in his freedom and the Presence’s defeat.
No matter how many drafts he wrote, he couldn’t fathom a way to make that happen. Then he got an idea: if he couldn’t stop the Presence himself, perhaps he could create someone who could.
While his ramblings to Jesse Faden over the Hotline during the events of AWE are a bit difficult to decipher, the implication seems to be that Alan used the power of the Dark Place to concoct the story of the Hiss invasion of the Oldest House.
When the Hiss invades, it resonates with the echo of the Dark Presence within Hartman, making both stronger. Alan figures that forcing the FBC to battle these kinds of foes will give them experience in battling the Presence at its strongest.
Interestingly, Alan himself may have been the one to write the Hiss into reality, having created the bizarre incantation those affected by it regularly chant.
It’s possible that the FBC didn’t even exist before Alan began writing his story, as it may have been created for the express purpose of rationalizing his escape in a subsequent story.
In both Alan Wake and Control, the precise scope at which the Dark Presence’s power can influence the real world through artistic creation is deliberately murky. Many events in Alan’s battle against the Presence seemed almost predetermined, but whether that’s due to his or someone else’s deliberate writings or simple coincidence isn’t entirely clear.
If we make the most extreme assumption, however, it is possible that Alan has spent his time in the Dark Place writing the Federal Bureau of Control into existence, followed by the supernatural forces they battle and contain, and ultimately, Jesse’s arrival at the Oldest House and her subsequent battle with the Hiss.
The power of the Dark Place brought all of these people and concepts into being retroactively – from Alan’s perspective, he made them, but from their perspective, it’s just how things have always been.
Alan mentions that, in order to defeat the Presence, he needs a hero. But a hero can’t be a hero in a story without some manner of crisis or danger to overcome. And that takes us to the premise of Alan Wake 2.
Saga Anderson, an FBI agent and mother to her young daughter Logan Anderson, and granddaughter of Tor Anderson, is Alan’s chosen hero to help him in his fight against Scratch and get him out of the Dark Place for good.
Alan is writing a novel called Return, which is altering the world around Saga, and making people believe her daughter tragically died in a drowning when she knows her to be alive. That’s also why Saga’s chapters are called ‘Return.’
Alan is bending the world to his fiction, and it’s all shaped by his writing. As the note above mentions, you don’t know what’s real.
Saga Anderson and Alex Casey seem to be real people (and believe themselves to be real) Alan dragged into his story, along with the Bookers and Koskelas, but they also exist only because of his story, so they very well could be made up.
And since the Federal Bureau of Control shows up in the plot of ‘Return,’ it’s further evidence to suggest that the FBC is truly a fictional organization inserted into the plot by Alan Wake.
The Night Springs DLC
The canon story for Alan Wake was that he served as a writer on the TV show Night Springs before becoming a successful novelist. The Night Springs DLC introduces three new playable episodes, and the key takeaway is that these are all written by Alan Wake.
The first stars Rose Marigold, the second Jesse Faden, and the final one Tim Breaker and Warlin Door, so it becomes clear these are all characters that Alan can conjure up and change around.
For example, Jesse Faden is now just The Sibling, and she searches for her brother in Coffee World (a location where Saga finds herself in the main story), and her brother turns out to be Alan Wake in the twist ending of the episode.

Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC – Story, Explained
♪Trees, machines, weird mysteries, we got freaky fantasies that all need some explaining in Night Springs!♪
The third episode, Time Breaker, sees Alan write the story of Mr. Door hunting after Sheriff Breaker across the multiverse, revisiting locations like the Oceanview Hotel and the woods around Cauldron Lake.
The most intriguing part about Episode 3 is the Ripple Effect Corporation, a seemingly alternative Night Springs name for the Federal Bureau of Control. The building still has Ahti, and Jesse Faden is the director, but Breaker is now Branch and also one of their agents.
Concepts like Hedrons from Control also make their way into the Time Breaker Night Springs episode, with Shawn Ashmore using a Polyhedron Reality Shifter device to interact with differently shaped hedron nodes, similar to how Alan uses his Angel Lamp.
It all sounds like Alan Wake invented his own multiverse the deeper into his writing he got in the Dark Place to try to escape since it’s already been established that the Night Springs episodes he writes, including American Nightmare, are all canon escape attempts.
In an even more meta revelation in this episode, Jesse’s character proclaims that “In one reality, we aren’t even real, or, as you say, characters in a video game.” This shows that even the very video game characters you’re playing as know they themselves exist as video game characters in another reality in the Remedy Connected Universe.
The Lake House DLC
The manuscripts from Alan Wake that are sealed and being studied in the Lake House for Diana Marmont’s project are eerily writing the story out for her. The passages that are written on the page narrate her exact behavior and actions toward her husband. The writing plots out their conflict and objectives.
Diana begins to question whether she has free will or whether Alan is writing everything that’s going on in her life, which is a very telling clue that that’s exactly what’s taking shape. Alan’s writing is a manifestation of what’s occurring and what’s about to occur, so even Diana quickly realizes that she and Jules could be characters in his story.
There’s even a manuscript from Alan in The Final Draft New Game Plus playthrough that provides a glimpse into what ominous things took place in the Lake House. It was meant as a teaser for the DLC expansion, but it also serves to further the theory that Alan is writing out events that eventually take shape.

Alan Wake 2’s ending is more or less the saying: you can take Alan Wake out of the Dark Place, but you can’t take the Dark Place out of Alan Wake.