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Factorio is a complicated factory management game where the goal is constant expansion. As you build up your factory, you’ll be dealing with more and more resources, which can quickly get overwhelming. If you’re the type to save everything you ever pick up, you might run into storage issues later on.

Factorio can seem like an overwhelming game at first. Use these beginner tips to make Factorio the right kind of stressful.
If you’ve ever gone to delete an item but found yourself unable to do so, you’re in luck. There is a way to delete items, but it’s not as straightforward as the concept may at first seem. Below, we’ll take a look at how to move and delete items from your inventory.
How To Move Items
If you simply want to move an item you’ve placed down, you’ll instead need to pick it back up and place it where you want it to go. To do this, hold down right-click on the item in question to destroy it, placing it immediately back into your inventory. From there, you can place it where it needs to go.
You can also rotate already-placed items by hovering over the item and pressing the R key. This is helpful for quickly changing the direction of Belts without having to destroy them.
How To Delete Items
To completely destroy an item or stack of items, first create a storage chest of any material. Then, place the storage chest down and left-click on it to open its inventory, then put all the items you want to delete inside.
Now, aim and fire your gun at the storage chest to destroy it, permanently deleting all the items held inside. Keep in mind that this will also destroy the chest, so you’ll need to make multiple if you have a lot of items to get rid of.
Wooden Chests have the least amount of health, making them the easiest to ‘defeat’, but you can use any chest type you have on hand.

Factorio is one of the best sandbox games for people who love resource management. These Factorio mods will take it to the next level.