If your account’s good enough to comfortably beat the Spiral Abyss at full stars, there’s not much you can do to challenge yourself in Genshin Impact. Sure, there are Local Legends and other bosses, but even they become boring after spending weeks resinless. However, one thing remains fresh no matter how many times you’ve tried it: getting the highest damage number screenshot!
Granted, this number doesn’t translate well to actual combat. Still, Genshin players have been trying to break the game by getting the largest single numbers in the game. To do this, you hyper-buff a character with huge burst damage, and then nuke the enemy in one swift motion. If you’ve seen others online and wonder how you can do the same, here are the best characters for a nuke showcase in Genshin Impact!
We assume every character to have their main source of burst damage, or multiple in the case of characters like Hu Tao, crowned for this list.
8 Mona
Pair Her With Bennett And Kazuha
Mona is a staple of damage showcases, but she’s not usually the one doing the damage. Her Elemental Burst is the strongest single-instance buff in the game at the highest level, providing a whopping 60 percent flat DMG Bonus to the next attack done on a marked enemy.
Hydro characters gain the full benefit of Vaporize, whereas Pyro characters utilize Melt fully.
However, what people often forget is the absurd scaling that this attack also has. At level 10, Mona can deal 796 percent of her attack as damage instantly. Furthermore, since Mona is Hydro, she can Vaporize this with Bennett to double the damage, something Pyro characters such as Alrecchino and Hu Tao can have trouble with due to how Vape works.
7 Navia
Stack Up ATK Buffs Like Bennett’s
Geo characters aren’t usually seen in damage showcases due to their reliance on DEF instead of ATK, stopping them from using some of the best buffs in the game, as well as not being capable of utilizing Elemental Reactions. Fortunately for her, Navia is a fully ATK scaling DPS with extremely high motion value on her E Skill!
On a base level, this skill deals 706 percent of Navia’s ATK as Geo DMG. However, despite her inability to use Vapes or Melts to increase her damage, she can collect Sharpnel Shards to increase her damage to 200 percent of the original, acting as a makeshift multiplicative reaction by itself. She also gains bonus damage depending on how many shards she has above the required three, further increasing her single-hit damage.
6 Hu Tao
Get Her Low On HP For Higher Burst Damage
Hu Tao is one of the strongest single-target DPS characters in Genshin Impact, but most of her damage is tied to her fast Charged Attacks. Still, if built properly, her Burst can outperform many others in the game, dealing damage equal to 617 percent of her ATK!

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The funeral director can be deadly with any of these weapons.
While this may seem moderate compared with other entries, it’s important to note that Hu Tao gains an absurd amount of ATK percent from using her Elemental Skill alone, so the ratio would be more along the lines of 1,200 percent if you account for the stat differences. Additionally, Hu Tao can still Vape or even Melt this damage, doubling the already unrivaled damage further.
5 Raiden Shogun
Use Bennett’s, Sara’s, and Kazuha’s Bursts To Charge Up Her Resolve Stacks Prematurely
Raiden Hypercarry has long been one of the best one-shot teams in Genshin Impact. Not only is it extremely good for speedrunning at minimal investment, but it’s the only team that can be competitive in the meta while also serving as a damage-per-screenshot gimmick.
Kujou Sara
‘s sixth constellation and C2 Raiden greatly increases Raiden’s nuke damage.
The Raiden Shogun has a respectable 721 percent base damage on her Musou no Hitotachi and additionally gains roughly 50 percent extra from her maxed Chakra Desiderata Resolve stacks. Raiden, like Navia, can’t make use of Elemental Reactions to multiply her damage, instead having to rely on her raw base damage to deal high damage.
4 Arlecchino
Highest Pyro Nuke
Arlecchino doesn’t use complicated scalings or hyperspecific gimmicks to deal a lot of burst damage. Despite her reliance on the Bond of Life mechanic, her Elemental Burst doesn’t scale off it at all. You simply press Q and deal 666.7 percent of your attack as Pyro damage which can be Melted or Vaped to be doubled.
If you’re willing to invest money into her, Arlecchino’s C6 is one of the strongest constellations in the game, and it directly increases her nuke potential. A C6 Arlecchino can even give a C6 Eula a run for her money, casually hitting four million damage.
3 Childe
The Original Highest Burst Damage
Liyue’s favorite scoundrel of many names and even more crimes was the original nuke character in Genshin Impact. His Melee Burst, Light of Obliteration, has a very destructive 835 percent on the scalings. His being a Hydro means that he can also make full use of Vape, doubling this damage without giving anything up.
While Tartaglia Childe doesn’t have much else to exploit in terms of scalings, he still has unparalleled motion value, even among top-tier later releases such as
Kinich. He also doesn’t need much investment for supports, as a simple Bennet-Mona-Kazuha core can fulfill most of his showcase needs!
2 Mualani
Utilize Obsidian Codex, Scroll Of The Hero Of Cinder City, Archaic Petra, And Other Non-ATK Buffs
Comparing Mualani‘s damage to other nuke characters can be quite complex. Her reliance on HP scalings means that there’s no one-to-one comparison to be made. However, for a 30k HP Mualani, an 80 percent motion value translates roughly to 1200 percent of a character with 2k attack, putting her well above Childe in terms of pure damage ratios.

Genshin Impact: Pro Tips For Mualani
Learn all the pro tips to play as Mualani in Genshin Impact!
That’s not all, though, as Mualani also has access to the Obsidian Codex artifact set, the strongest single-target buff in the entirety of Genshin Impact. Even without having access to buffs like Bennet’s Fantastic Voyage due to her being an HP-based character, she has enough in her kit to be stronger than those who can utilize teammates stronger than hers!
1 Eula
Use Her Combos Properly To Get Full Stacks
If you’re talking about big numbers and nuke damage, it’s impossible for any other character to even come close to Eula. The highest scalings we’ve discussed so far are within the 1,000 percent range, not accounting for additional multiplicative ratios such as Elemental Reactions. Eula, at base, deals a relatively high 725.6 percent physical damage from the second trigger of her Burst.
Like Arlecchino, Eula gains a huge bonus to her burst damage with her C6, more than doubling the damage dealt by her Lightfall Sword.
However, she also increases this damage by roughly 150 percent each time she hits an enemy during its duration. Usually, you can comfortably get 13–14 stacks, taking this damage percentage to a genuinely scary 2850 percent, well above other ratios even without any external buffs. Despite not being part of the meta, Eula’s nuke potential remains the only one to hit millions even for F2Ps!