Every console generation, Pokemon fans wait to see what kind of games will come out next. While there is always a wait for the next mainline generation of Pokemon that will introduce new creatures to collect, there is also the hope that the franchise will go in a new direction with spinoffs or remakes of forgotten games.

The Best Fan-Made Pokemon Games
Fans can create truly awesome content. These Pokemon games and rom hacks offer things like new Mega Evolutions, more difficult battles, and more.
Every console, whether it be a handheld or home system, has that one Pokemon game that you just have to recommend. It’s the one game that you gravitate towards because it just did everything right to give players an experience that hasn’t been replicated since.
Pokemon Go
An Honorable Mention
- Released
July 6, 2016
- Developer(s)
, The Pokemon Company - ESRB
Pokemon Go is not on a Nintendo Console. However, it has had such an impact on the platform and the franchise that it deserves an honorable mention. This is the game that got people going outside on release and continues to get people out of bed for some real adventures.
Capturing Pokemon is easier since all you do is throw a ball and hope for the best. However, if you want the best Pokemon you need to go places where there are plenty of Poke Stops to refill your items and take on Gyms. This game is so impactful to the franchise it inspired the Pokemon: Let’s Go spinoffs, the character Goh from the anime, and proved that players were interested in cooperative raids.
Pokemon Yellow, Game Boy
Pikachu Won’t Quit Following You Around
Pokemon Yellow took the original Red and Blue games and combined them into one while still leaving some Pokemon exclusive to their releases. This special edition of the game included a few familiar faces from the anime as well as the ability to get all three starters.

5 Pokémon We Want As Real Life Companions
Who are the 5 must-haves for real-life Pokémon companions?
Pokemon Yellow also allows you to have your partner Pikachu out of the ball at all times as you travel across the Kanto region. You can even check on Pikachu’s mood with special animations that depict your partner’s expressions.
Hey You, Pikachu!, Nintendo 64
Interacting With Pikachu
Hey You, Pikachu!
Then Nintendo 64 has its fair share of Pokemon games, including puzzle and battle simulators with a few minigames sprinkled around. However, Hey You, Pikachu! took the idea of hanging out with Pikachu in a whole different direction.
Using the Nintendo 64’s microphone, you could talk with Pikachu and give it different commands using keywords. This would allow you to order Pikachu to bring you items, gather ingredients, and find its way towards a Pinata while blindfolded. This is Pokemon like you’ve never seen it before or ever since.
Pokemon Crystal, Game Boy Color
A Glittery Game Pak
Pokémon Crystal
Pokemon Crystal was released for the Game Boy Color as a special edition for Gold and Silver. This edition of the game came with sprite animations for the Pokemon which added new life to your journey.

Pokemon: 10 Hardest Battles In The Games, Ranked
Pokemon is a notoriously easy series, but there are a few battles that can make you sweat.
Aside from these tech changes, Pokemon Crystal also has more emphasis on Suicune than Ho-oh or Lugia. This adds a new character that is chasing down the legendary dog and even guarantees that you’ll be able to encounter it without fear that it will run away. The game also features a new female character to play as.
Pokemon Emerald, Game Boy Advance
The Definitive Hoenn Experience
- Released
May 1, 2005
- Publisher(s)
The Pokemon Company
, Nintendo - ESRB
E For Everyone
The Game Boy Advance had plenty of Pokemon games, including remakes of the original games, Pokemon Pinball, and the third generation of the franchise. However, if one of them is to take the crown as the best of the console’s lifespan, it is Pokemon Emerald.
In this game, Pokemon have unique animations, the characters get redesigned, and Rayquaza is more prominent in the plot. The feature that most fans remember is the introduction of the Battle Frontier, which gave players something to grind after they finished the main game. This feature is so good, that fans have been asking for its return for years.
Pokemon Colosseum, Gamecube
Pokemon For An Older Demographic
Playing as the bad guy rocks and being able to steal Pokemon has been a dream for anyone who has ever wanted to see Team Rocket finally steal Pikachu. Pokemon Colosseum has a much older playable character who can steal Pokemon with the power of the Snag Machine.

The Strongest Trainers In The Pokemon Anime
Ash Ketchum has finally reached the top, so let’s see who the strongest Trainers in the Pokemon anime are now.
This tool is essential for capturing corrupted Pokemon known as Shadow Pokemon. Once captured, it becomes your job to restore their hearts and cleanse them of the darkness within. While not having too many wild areas, it is a nice change of pace to visit a region that is crumbling and almost a wasteland.
Pokemon Black And White 2, Nintendo DS
The Extent Of Pixels
Pokémon Black 2
The Nintendo DS not only had remakes of Gold and Silver but also introduced two new generations to the lineup. It’s a tough battle, but if anyone is going to rise to the top it is Pokemon Black and White 2.
This game has everything. It’s the second time any game has tried to be a direct sequel in the mainline franchise, but it also adds completely new areas to explore. Variety is abundant when it comes to Pokemon species but it also brings back every iconic trainer from the franchise including remixes of their battle themes. This is also the last game to use pixel graphics for the mainline series.
Pokken Tournament, Wii U
Fighting As Pokemon
Pokkén Tournament
Seeing as there are many Pokemon that can throw hands in the franchise, the Wii U experimented with putting them in a fighting game. This would become Pokken Tournament which debuted during this rocky era of Nintendo’s history.

Every Mainline Pokemon Game, Ranked By Pokedex Size
The number of Pokemon continues to grow, but which games have the most obtainable Pocket Monsters in the series?
You are no longer commanding Pokemon to use their moves in this game but performing them yourself. With fantastic animations and unique abilities, this fighting game proves that the Pokemon franchise can dive into any genre and succeed.
Pokemon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon, Nintendo 3DS
Stylized For Vacation
It’s tough to compare the Kalos region with the Alola region since they both have distinct elements they do better than the other. However, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon deliver something that many Pokemon games struggle to do.
This game has a compelling story from start to finish, a distinct soundtrack unlike any other seen in the games before, and a villain team that is not only fleshed out but makes you want to root for them. This game also makes you feel emotionally attached to the Legendary of the game before encountering it for the captured battle.
Pokemon Legends Arceus, Nintendo Switch
When The Spinoff Beats The Main Course
It is not too often that a spinoff beats a mainline game of the series. For the first time, the Pokemon world feels dangerous. You are still completing the Pokedex, but with added side quests before you can get the full entry, it makes you feel like you are truly researching the wildlife.
One of the best changes though, is allowing you to attack with swift attacks or heavy ones. This battle style makes the turn-based system feel fresher than it has ever been. This game also shows how important lore is in making a region feel truly alive.